How to Write Creative Content

There is no hard and fast rule for the type of content one can post online, however, it’s always better to create content that people will find appealing than ideas they will discard as irrelevant.  Would you like to be a creative content creator? Here are the things you should know:

Know Your Audience

Figuring out who your audience is should be at the core of your content strategy. You’ve likely already integrated a lot of this approach into your business, but you’ll need to take it a step further. Always consider the nature of the content you are writing and who you’re writing it to. Whether it’s written, audio or video content, there is always a message to communicate to your target audience. Beyond your identity, the element of trust should be woven into your content. People love to buy into brands they know, like and trust.

Offer Useful Information 

This may seem obvious, but it’s important to pay attention to this detail. Do your research and know what’s trending in the field you’re writing about. “Interesting but unimportant information frequently disrupts the learning of more important ideas,” writes Suzanne Hidi, associate member, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Centre for Applied Cognitive Science. Give them a cause they will be interested in, something they will be fired up to take action on. As much as people enjoy opinions, you’ll need to back them up with statistics. People love to cite statistics; they’re cold, hard facts that can’t be argued as much as opinions can.

Keyword Planner

It’s also important to know which keywords to use. You should always ask yourself the following: Which keywords get the most traffic? Which keywords are best for a PPC campaign? Answering these questions is simple with the help of keyword search platforms like SEMrush and Google Keyword Planner. Use this tool to view keyword ideas, cost per click data, and more. 

Before you create a blog post, for instance, you need to know which keywords to target. Google Keyword Planner can help you identify keywords that will drive more traffic to your website. Don’t forget you’ll also need Google Analytics to get a complete understanding of your customers across devices and platforms. Google Analytics gives you the tools, free of charge, to understand the customer journey and improve marketing ROI.

Revise Your Creative Content

After you revise your content, it means it is ready to be published. Now you can print, post on social media, send to your email list or submit to a client. After revising, I would advise you to carefully proofread your work. You can also involve a professional editor to peruse your work for suggestions before you submit or publish online. 

In today’s world all marketing efforts rely on and revolve around content – without content, you don’t have marketing. And at the end of the day, there’s really no downside to investing in content marketing. And with more and more businesses seeing the value in and investing in it, why wouldn’t you?
Interested in creating strategic content for your business? Contact our team of digital specialists at Reach Digital for your free digital audit and consultation!

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