SEO in 2022 & Beyond: 3 Trends to Continue With

The SEO landscape of 2022 is more competitive and unpredictable than ever, but don’t worry! We’ve got the guides and news you need to stay ahead of the competition.

Keyword Research Matters

Let’s start with keyword research, it is the process of finding and analyzing search terms that people enter into search engines with the goal of using that data for a specific purpose, often for search engine optimization (SEO) or general marketing. Keyword research matters. Before investing time in new content, you want to know if your keyword can generate results. That’s even more true in 2022 when competition is fiercer than ever. 

Because the intent behind a search is so important to your ranking potential, you need to be extra careful about how you interpret the keywords you target. Once you have a list of relevant keywords to target, you can create a plan for building content around those keywords. This is your content strategy or content roadmap. And of course, you should plan your content into groups of related pages, with a main topic page and supporting sub-topic pages.

Long Form Content

In a competitive SEO world, long form content can often help demonstrate expertise and authority to Google. And if you’re writing long form content, you need to make sure you’re structuring it properly. That’s where your heading tags come in. The main purpose of content is to boost the functionality of a website or a web platform. SEO long form content attracts traffic to a website, and it boosts a website to get a higher ranking among search engines. More traffic and higher rankings ultimately contribute to higher revenue and profit.

When it comes to your SEO strategy for 2022 and beyond, long form content pieces with topical depth are expected to carry even more weight. This is because there are several benefits of publishing long form content. Long form content enriched with detailed information is valuable to the reader. People are more inclined to share valuable pieces of information that they find useful and interesting.

Informative long content pieces of over 2000 words have been shown to rank better in SERPs. This will support your efforts in boosting your organic rankings. Other publishers are more likely to link back to in-depth pieces that users find valuable. Long form content is a great way of supporting your backlink strategy.

Local Search is Huge

Here are some facts about local search. There are an estimated 5.6 billion searches on Google each day. That works out to about 2 trillion per year. Nearly half (46%) of all searches have local intent. That means search queries like “coffee near me” or “best pizza in Hamilton”.

The vast majority (88%) of those local intent searches on Mobile result in a call or a visit to the business in a 24 hour period. Local search is high intent and can turn into real money for businesses that know how to capitalize. A big part of capturing the Local SEO opportunity is the Google Business Profile.

In late 2021, Google My Business got a new name. It’s now called the Google Business Profile. If you’re a business with a physical location and you haven’t claimed and optimized your listing, you should do this today. Head on over to and claim that listing! Search engines like Google are constantly in search of the best content to answer the questions that users have. For more information on SEO and digital marketing best practices, be sure to contact us!

Search Engine Optimization

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