The 5 biggest mistakes your business is making on social media

Being present on social media content is non-negotiable when it comes to marketing your business. You have to go where your customers are, and currently, that is the digital and social landscape. Depending on who your customer is, that means any combination of Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, LinkedIn, Tikok etc. 

By not having, or using social media properly you are missing out on opportunities. Using social media doesn’t just mean posting randomly; you need to have a strategy just like any other part of your business. Here are five ways to fix your business’ social media content strategy

Not using it at all

There is only one reason you can use to explain why you aren’t utilizing social media. That is your customers and potential customers aren’t using it. However, in today’s digital atmosphere it is very unlikely that your target market is not using some form of social media. Now, you don’t have to be on every single social media platform that exists. Go where your customers are so they can find you.

Not posting consistently

Consistency is key! Like a lot of things in life if you stick to something you will see results. The same goes for social media. You don’t just want to be a random account that posts once every few months and confuses your customers. You want to be a reliable account, an authority in your industry that is active. A place people can go and trust there will be an answer, and ultimately follow and convert into a paying customer.

Only posting promotional social media content

People are bombarded with marketing messages all the time now. Even in the past with traditional media – radio and television ads, everything was promotion. Don’t add more, “buy this, click here, you need this now” to their screens all the time. Instead, add value with different pillars. You do need to promote what you do but, what else can you give them besides what you offer? Can you educate on a certain topic connected to your business? Is there something else that they need to know? Having content that allows customers to connect with the brand as a go-to source is a more effective long-term strategy to build trust so they purchase not just once, but continuously. 

Posting the same social media content across all platforms

This is called cross-posting. It basically means you take the same content (photo, caption, hashtags) and post it on every single social media account you have for your business. This is an easy way of doing things and can save you time. However, each social media platform caters to different demographics and your content should reflect that. Think about your customers who use Facebook, are they the same as your customers engaging with you on Instagram?

Not responding to comments or addressing negative feedback

The whole point of social media is to be social. There is an emphasis on the social part especially when it comes to interacting with your customers and potential customers. If it shows on your account that you don’t respond to questions, comments or concerns, a potential customer will most likely not feel comfortable asking a question. Therefore, this risks you losing out on sales. 

If you’re reading this and you’re not sure if you’re making any of the mistakes mentioned, get in touch with us today! Or if you need help making changes to your social media accounts, Reach Digital can help you today! It would be our pleasure to do an audit of your business’ social media content and presence complimentary.

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